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Frequently asked Questions

Most of the questions we get asked are the same. However, we certainly haven't been asked everything yet. Below is a list of questions that have come up several times, and of course our answers. 


It is quite possible that we may not have answered your question below. If this is the case, contact the Resident Association Manager - Yavashni on the email -


  1.  What facilities do I need to book? On the booking pages, there are six facilities that you are required to book. They are;

    • Undercover BBQ Area

    • Nukumea Landing

    • Putting Green /Nth West Quadrant

    • Fig Tree Park - Petanque Area

    • Frank Mackereth - Petanque Area

    • Weber BBQ - Unit 1

    • Weber BBQ - Unit 2

  2. How do I book a facility? The booking page is found on this website. You just choose which facility you wish to book, and follow the steps from there. A confirmation email will be sent to you to confirm the booking, and a reminder SMS will also be sent one hour before your reservation. 

  3. Do we need to book into the gym or swimming pool? No, these facilities are open to all residents throughout the day. No booking is required. 

  4. How many Weber BBQ's are available? There are two BBQ's. 

  5. Do I need to bring a BBQ to the 'Undercover BBQ Area'? No, this facility has a built in BBQ. 

  6. What is the maximum number allowed for each facility? When you make the booking, the registration page will detail how many can book in for the session. 

  7. Are the facilities open at all hours? Facilities are able to be utilised each day of the week and during all hours that will not disturb the neighbours.

  8. What do we do if one of the facilities is left in an untidy condition? If you find that the state is unsatisfactory, please contact Yavashni on her email -

  9. Where is the Residents Association Managers office? The Manager’s are on site Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday of each week. Their office is in the same building where the pool and gym are. The office is on the ground floor, on the left after you enter the front door. 

  10. Whom do I contact if I lose my swipe card (security card) or key? Fob security tags for the pool and gym complex can be purchased from the KPHL Developers office. There is a small charge. To replace a lost key, you will need to engage a locksmith

  11. How do I receive a Newsletter without having to come to this website every time? That is simple, you subscribe to the Newsletter, and you will automatically receive the latest version as soon as it is released. 

  12. Can we submit content to be published within the Newsletter? Absolutely. We encourage residents to share events, images and stories for the newsletter. You can directly upload content by completing the form at the top of the Newsletter page.

  13. Where do I need to go to submit a DRB Application Form? We have now brought this application online! You can now complete the form on the application page, found under Booking>Useful Resources. 

  14. If I decide to rent my property, other than a standard tenancy agreement, do I need to get permission from the Residents Association? Yes, you will need to complete the Tenant Application form. This is found under Quick Links, and also the Bylaws page. If you have any questions, contact either Yavashni at; 

  15. Are there any rules or conditions for using the facilities? Yes, there are requirements for both facilities that require booking and the ones that don't. Please ensure that you are familiar with these rules and conditions before using any of the facilities.

  16. Who are the KPRA Committee Members? There are several members on the committee. Details about each of the members can be found under on this website by clicking here.  

  17. I want to find more information about the Body Corporate I belong too, as well as the levies? If you would like more information about your Body Corporate please contact your Body Corporate Manager or the KPRA Manager. 

  18. How do upload pictures from an event so that they are published in the Gallery? Once again, this is a simple process and is all online. Go to the Gallery page on this site and submit the form that allows you to upload images. 

  19. Can we use any tradesman for our property? Yes, you can; however, we have a list of tradesman on this site that are highly recommended. For further details, go to the tradesman page under contacts. 

  20. We recently used a tradesman from this site, and they were brilliant. Is there any way we can tell people? If they are good, then we want to know about it. Within the tradesman page, you will see that there are five starts under each business. If you have had a great experience, then simply click on the number of stars you feel they deserve. 1 = poor and 5 = excellent. Moreover, vice versa, if you have used a tradesman, and received bad service, you can also provide a rating. 

  21. If would like to request that a tradesman is loaded onto this site, how do we do that? Great, a good tradesman is hard to come by! Contact Yavashni at; 

  22. Is this website available on a mobile device? It certainly is. Simply go to the same URL address, and you will see that a mobile-friendly version of this site is available. 

  23. Is everything that is on the desktop site, also on the mobile version? No, unfortunately, there is a difference. The key point to a mobile-friendly view is to limit the amount of content. If everything was displayed, it would look terrible, plus it would be hard to use.

  24. If we feel something should be added to the mobile version, whom do we contact? If it is a common request, then we can do that. You will need to speak with KPRA Manager, and then the site manager at apm will make the changes. 




If we haven't managed to answer your question, please contact us at;


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